Sunday, January 24, 2016

Tempera Tape Resist Painting

Welcome to my blog! I'm just the art teacher here.  I teach kindergarten through 5th grade Art.  Let me go ahead and jump right in here!  Here's one of my favorite lessons to do with my students.  They loooooooove this lesson.  Tempera tape resist paintings!

First I have them put their names on the back of a good quality watercolor paper, at least 80lb.  After that we get out the masking tape and start taping our paper into sections.

After that we paint over it using tempera cakes and water.  I let them choose their colors and mix colors.  My classroom has one major rule when painting, you only get primary colors to mix with.  Well... plus black and white but I don't consider those colors.  Their favorite part about this assignment was coming back the next week and removing the tape!  So much fun!

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